Royal Danish Airforce
Topic: Re: Fancy coloured Drakens

Aircraftbargains Forums

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Posted by Anonymous on 06-26-1999 5:18 PM
*** Posted by Kim Nielsen ***
A little confused over where You mean with "place it here", I'll come with my cont. comments here:

As I started with: I've seen three different Draken specials:

-The already explained "Dannebrogs-skjold".
-A ribbond Wound (in paint) kind of present-alike one
-and last a highly red one with a dragon (grif) on the belly.
Of the two latest mentioned, I've only seen You write of one with red belly (the santa-story)! Is it the ribbon one or a compleately fourth? and what about the "dragon on red"
This is not to demand ansvers, but because I read your answers as You concider the case as closed, meanwhile I am really interrested in the stories!


Posted by Anonymous on 06-27-1999 1:30 AM
*** Posted by Rapier ***
I'm sorry I cant help you Kim, I would like to know these stories as well but I think it's a little bit of History I dont know?

Maybe RUN will know or someone else?

Kind Regards


[A little confused over where You mean with "place it here", I'll come with my cont. comments here:

As I started with: I've seen three different Draken specials:

-The already explained "Dannebrogs-skjold".
-A ribbond Wound (in paint) kind of present-alike one
-and last a highly red one with a dragon (grif) on the belly.
Of the two latest mentioned, I've only seen You write of one with red belly (the santa-story)! Is it the ribbon one or a compleately fourth? and what about the "dragon on red"
This is not to demand ansvers, but because I read your answers as You concider the case as closed, meanwhile I am really interrested in the stories!


Posted by Anonymous on 06-27-1999 10:47 PM
*** Posted by run ***
he he

My mistake I wrote red bow, but meant red bowe, so we are talking about the present-alike Draken.

I haven't figured out the story about the Dragon so I will investigate a little further.


[A little confused over where You mean with "place it here", I'll come with my cont. comments here:

As I started with: I've seen three different Draken specials:

-The already explained "Dannebrogs-skjold".
-A ribbond Wound (in paint) kind of present-alike one
-and last a highly red one with a dragon (grif) on the belly.
Of the two latest mentioned, I've only seen You write of one with red belly (the santa-story)! Is it the ribbon one or a compleately fourth? and what about the "dragon on red"
This is not to demand ansvers, but because I read your answers as You concider the case as closed, meanwhile I am really interrested in the stories!


Posted by Anonymous on 06-28-1999 11:30 PM
*** Posted by Kim Nielsen ***
OK! I'm glad to experie that the case is'nt closed. This is why I'm able to ask You, to take Your time.
So: Dont run, run (run@) :-)


My mistake I wrote red bow, but meant red bowe, so we are talking about the present-alike Draken.

I haven't figured out the story about the Dragon so I will investigate a little further.


.............[This is not to demand ansvers, but because I read your answers as You concider the case as closed, meanwhile I am really interrested in the stories!]


Posted by Kim Nielsen on 02-17-2005 1:25 PM

My mistake I wrote red bow, but meant red bowe, so we are talking about the present-alike Draken.

I haven't figured out the story about the Dragon so I will investigate a little further.


But now(!) I have done the research by myself!
A new colleague shows to be very aero-interested and is in fact engaged at the veteran-plane collection of Stauning airfield, and naturally we have found eachother in talking planes and stuff.
Today the talk somehow turned into the Drakens of FSN Karup and thereby the "Grif"-decorated one. The story is as follows:

A group of persons from the ESK got permitted to decorate a Draken in the occasion of the ESK's oncoming closure.
Without any specific's in the permission, some surely expected only the rudder to be decorated, but among the group there was a little dissapointment over the size that a planned griffin (as i now see teh correct english word is) showed to end up with on the rudder-surface. And after some discussions, the group in between, about there was any specific ban against a full-decoration, under wich one of the heavy arguments was that the permission was covering the plane that was nearest to the limit of main service, so the paintjob would'nt survive for long anyhow.
The decission was taken and someone was sent after (more) red and yellow paint.
The plane was jacked up and the wheels pulled in with closed covers and the full monty was in progress. The painting of the griffin on the underside is told to have been more painfull than expected, but using the whole night, the job was done in the morning when an innocent tecnician locked himself in and turned on the light!!!

The decoration was an instant hit among the pilots of the ESK, and the remaining flighttime until service-schedule had to be equally splitted between them all to ensure even joy. However the story tells that caused by unscheduled flight, the time ran out before the last two pilots had their flight - Sorry on their behaviour!!

A little sidestory is that the happening lived for much longer time than the paint on the plane:
During the deliverance of the extra paint, it happened that a bucket of red paint tilted and leaked in the car, wich was to notice in the enterior of the car for a long time after :-)



Posted by TeamM on 09-21-2005 5:51 PM

Greetings from Sweden.

Have you checked out the TeamM website? There is a video clip of the SAAB35 Draken at the F10 wing in Sweden.

Link to the video clip:

TeamM produce aviation videos of Swedish military airplanes, and DVD titles of
the SAAB39 Gripen, the older SAAB37 Viggen and the SAAB35 Draken can be found there. The films are extremely unique in the world, due to the in depth stories from active Swedish flight wings were the air planes are stationed. Many of the films also contain air-to-air footage.

Take a look at the following address:

Regards from Sweden.
/Lars Persson-Tille